Thursday, May 30, 2013

Weekly Scoop 5/31/13

1. This is a beautiful thing. And I want all of it, especially the maxi dresses and all of the elephant stuff! Too much cuteness!! What summer fashions have caught your eye? Anything I should check out ASAP? That reminds me I need to work on another fashion post! Now I shall go stand in front of my closet for hours and proceed to throw clothes everywhere in search of the perfect outfit.

2. Watch any good TV or movies lately? I am still harping on Parks and Recreation! Can't get enough! It makes me laugh and smile every single time! I am almost all the way through all of the episodes on Netflix! Need to find a place where I can watch the fifth season! Also my usual shows are done for the summer season, what do you watch during the summer to hold you over until the fall premieres?

3. Make-up is a favorite of mine, I kind of hoard make-up. So, at the end of each month I get really excited because Jessica over at How Sweet It Is posts her latest beauty must haves from the month and I swoon over all of them and then my bank account screams at me. Speaking of hoarding make-up, I have over 20 nail polishes, but I probably use about 3 or 4 of them...any ideas for what I could do with the ones I don't use? I wish I could just finish a single bottle, but no the nail polish producers suck me in every few weeks with new colors! Can't. Get. Enough. My latest favorite is Essie's 'Sunday Funday' ! What nail colors are you loving right now?

4. In the past two weeks I have gained over 300 new Pinterest followers! Say WHAT?! I am really confused by such love, but it makes me really happy! Thank you!

It was a pretty color...kind of. 
5.  About two days ago I went to my local health food store and they have this juice bar thing. I was debating between getting a banana smoothie and the green lemonade. Guess which I went for? The green lemonade, I really am trying to eat healthier, but kind of failing. So, I thought I would like this opaque green liquid stuff, but ICK! I don't know how people drink that stuff! I think what really killed it for me was the ginger in it! I can tolerate ginger as a subtle note in a baked good, but center stage no way! I took about two sips, then I tried to mix in a banana and strawberries, did not work. Well, it was eight dollars out the window. So expensive. If you do juicing, what juices do you like? Any sweet ones that are not so overpowering and make me want to spit it out? I technically have a juicer, but have yet to rev it up. It kind of scares me, and don't even think that I want to pull it out, get veggies together, and then clean it up. No sir or ma'am, I am so utterly lazy.

6. The top picture is my first DQ cone of the season! Summer is finally here! Now, I have been to DQ already this season, but those times I got blizzards! I just couldn't pass up the sprinkles this time!

7. Latest Pins:

Contains an affiliate link, but otherwise I remain unknown to the rest of these people and companies. 


  1. ice cream cone in sprinkles! oh looks amazing!!!

    1. Thanks! It was awesome! Might need another tonight haha!
